Brookes Going Global
Global business have changed drastically during last two decades. When it comes to medicine, market forces have led the business to a challenging level, where specialized approach is required. Pharmaceutical Exports to global markets is not merely supply of medicine now, but it involves knowing how to respond to a dynamic world in which the frame and basis of competition are always changing. Keeping the above in view Brookes decided to take the challenge today and focus on our Global Business.
In the new era of Globalization, Brookes International Business Division took the challenge to take the business to the next level. Today, the division is strategically focusing on various markets of different regions, specially non-traditional markets that includes Middle East, West Africa and Commonwealth of Independents States (CIS) and geared up to lead Brookes to new avenues of brand success in the global marketplace.
Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa region bordering Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Sudan. Brookes Pharma manufacturing facility has recently been accredited and the products in the following therapeutic segment are being marketed and some others have already been applied for registration with NDA, Uganda.
- Cardiology
- Antiseptic
Brookes Pharma products are being marketed in Tanzania since 1999 with the Pyodine solution being a leading Povidone Iodine in the market while Oxoferin is fastly becoming a drug of choice in wound healing segment. Brookes Pharma is now concentrating more of registering new innovative products in Tanzania market with an aim to introduce different therapeutic segments such as Anesthesia range.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Tanzania.
- Cardiovascular
- Antiseptic
- Wound healing
Brookes Pharma started its operations in Sudan in the year 2002 with very few products initially registered. Currently working with a leading distributor and are expeditiously increasing business volume. In pursuance of company’s strategy to go global with aggressive marketing strategy, Brookes Pharma is now poised to accelerate the business in Sudan.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Sudan.
- Analgesics
- Dermatology
- Antibiotics
- Antiseptic
- Anesthesia
- Wound healing
Sri Lanka
Brookes pharma started commercial operations in the year 1998 and gained the fame of being the quality supplier of pharmaceutical products in Sri Lanka in a very short period of time with some brands amongst the leader in the market.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Srilanka.
- Anti-Viral
- Dermatology
- Gastrointestinal
- Antiseptic
- Anti-allergy/cough
- Wound healing
- Analgesics (NSAID)
Brookes is looking to start new distribution setup in Somalia. Currently, only Pyodine solution is being marketed in Somalia.
View ProductsSenegal
Brookes Pharma has recently started its operations in Francophone region with Mali, Senegal & Ivory Coast.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Francophone region.
- Antiseptic
A tiny small country in East Africa region, Brookes Pharma has got many products registered in Rwanda and currently focusing on Brand building in the market with following products category available in the market.
- Gastrointestinal
- Antiseptic
- Anesthesia
- Antibiotics
- Anti-allergy / Cough
With a range of products registered in Philippines, Brookes Pharma has now also introduced its flagship brands in one of the fastest growing market in the Far-east.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Philippines.
- Gastrointestinal
- Antiseptic
- Cardiology
- Analgesics
- Anesthesia
- Antiviral
- Anti-allergy
Brookes Pharma has started penetrating the market and appointed one of the leading distribution house in Myanmar. Currently focusing on increasing product range, Brookes pharma is now poised to achieve the objective by introducing some other products in the market.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Myanmar.
- Analgesics
- Dermatology
- Antibiotics
- Antiseptic
- Anesthesia
- Wound healing
Brookes Pharma has a unique distinction to get few products registered in the Southern Africa’s formal Portuguese colony with all packaging developed exclusively in the Portuguese language.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Mozambique.
- Antiseptic
Brookes Pharma has recently started its operations in Francophone region with Mali, Senegal & Ivory Coast.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Francophone region.
- Antiseptic
Kenya is one of the most vibrant pharma market in East Africa region. Brookes Pharma has been working in Kenya market for the last one decade and is now focusing on registering new molecules.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Kenya.
- Dermatology
- Antiseptic
- Antibiotics
Ivory Coast
Brookes Pharma has recently started its operations in Francophone region with Mali, Senegal & Ivory Coast.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Francophone region.
- Antiseptic
Brookes Pharma registration in Iraq has been successfully done while product registration process is currently underway.
Brookes Pharma registration in Cambodia has been successfully done while product registration process is currently underway.
Brookes Pharma is fastly penetrating in the neighboring market with its quality products. Having a wide distribution coverage, the Afghanistan market will be the leading export market for Brookes pharma products.
Products under the following therapeutic segments are registered in Afghanistan.
- Antiseptic
- Anti-Viral
- Cardiology
- Anti-allergy / cough
- Analgesic
- Antibiotics
- Gastrointestinal
- Anti-depressant
This new vision and the guiding principles led International Division to come up with new strategies and encouraging them to quickly developed new markets in a very short span of time. The company learned quickly how to turn risk & opportunities into results, which triggered quick execution of strategies, breakthrough growth in export business and significant increase in export revenues. The scenario changed quickly.
In this endeavor, hallmark of Brookes early success, was clarity of vision. The international division knows where to lead the business, worked extensively on key performance areas, and kept heading toward the right direction. Brookes have learned from its experience in export business that the true success lies in more collaboration between departments, which translate corporate synergy into high performance execution of the plan. On the other hand, Brookes new marketing strategies created an innovative pathway, where short term plan guide the company to the next level of long term outlook.
Our international business philosophy is that our expansion plan will be Exploratory rather than Definitive. Brookes new outlook brought the whole world in front, where opportunities and amazing challenges, which were not visible previously, started to emerge quickly. We plan & enter new regions without the fear of failure, and we know that understanding of the new markets will also provide the best chance for seizing them. This plan led the company to cater untapped opportunities in new regions that were not targeted before. Brookes now has plans to go beyond the traditional limited scope and target new regions of the world. International division is now on a success track, working extensively with renewed vigor and poised to get exponential growth in pharma-emerging markets in various parts of the world. Our target is to transform Brookes into a truly Global company by 2025.